


2022-07-22 15:13:00 来源:太阳集团tyc5997 点击:



团队负责人:陈社军 教授








大气污染与健康团队现有教授/研究员2名、副研究员1名和博士后2名,成员包括了1名国家优青和1名广东省杰青。团队长期从事大气污染物的环境过程及其健康效应研究。在大气污染物的来源、传输及界面交换行为、新型有机污染物的筛查及鉴定、大气污染暴露及其人体健康效应等方面积累了丰富的工作经验和研究成果。近年来,团队也拓展了海洋环境的污染研究,关注有机污染物在海洋大气、水体环境以及生物体中的污染、转化和生态风险。团队先后承担及参与了国家重点研发计划项目、中科院先导专项、国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金区域联合基金、广州市科技计划重点项目等科研项目。相关研究成果发表SCI论文100余篇,主要发表于Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironment InternationalJournal of Hazardous Materials等期刊,研究成果获广东省自然科学一等奖。








[1]     横向项目,清远市河湖水生态调查与评价项目,2022.01-2022.12120万元,陈社军,在研;

[2]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,燃烧或高温源颗粒物多环芳烃的排放特征、生物可利用性及毒性效应,2021.01-2024.1257万元,陈社军,在研;

[3]     广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,红树林沉积物中微生物对六溴环十二烷的降解及异构化研究,2021.01-2024.12100万元,孙毓鑫,在研;

[4]     广东省基础与应用基础研究基金青年基金项目,新型有机磷酸酯工业品的成分谱构建,2021.10-2024.0910万元,曾源,在研;

[5]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,鼎湖山自然保护区半挥发性有机污染物在森林植被的迁移以及大气-植物交换行为移,2019.01-2022.1263万元,陈社军,结题;

[6]     广州市科技创新委员会重点项目,广州不同典型区域大气颗粒物中的毒害有机物及毒性效应,2018.01-2020.12200万,陈社军,结题;

[7]     广州市科技计划项目,六溴环十二烷在红树林湿地中的分布特征及对映体选择性研究,2018.04-2021.03,万元,孙毓鑫,结题;

[8]     广东特支计划百千万工程青年拔尖人才项目,海洋环境地球化学,2017.04-2020.04,万元,孙毓鑫,结题;

[9]     国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,环境地球化学,2016.01-2019.12100万元,陈社军,结题;

[10]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,手性污染物六溴环十二烷在红树林湿地中的选择性环境行为研究,2016.01-2019.12,万元,孙毓鑫,结题;

[11]  中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项子课题,生态现状与动态变化, 2016.01-2020.12,万元,孙毓鑫,结题;

[12]  中国博士后科学基金香江学者计划项目,滨海湿地微生物降解持久性有机有毒污染物(POPs)研究,2016.01-2017.12,孙毓鑫,结题;

[13]  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,典型持久性有机污染物在海洋食物链中的富集与放大特征及人体食用暴露风险,2015.01-2017.12,万元,孙毓鑫,结题;

[14]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,城市大气卤代阻燃剂(HFRs)主要排放源解析及在城市群的迁移,2014.01-2017.1285万,陈社军,结题;


[15]  Yu‑Qi Huang, Yuan Zeng*, Tao Wang, She‑Jun Chen*, Yu‑Feng Guan, Bi‑Xian Mai. PM2.5‑bound phthalates and phthalate substitutes in a megacity of southern China: Spatioseasonal variations, source apportionment, and risk assessment. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-18784-0.

[16]  Zheng Liu, Yu-Xin Sun, Yuan Zeng, Yu-Feng Guan, Yu-Qi Huang, Yu-Ping Chen, Da-Ning Li, Ling Mo, She-Jun Chen*, Bi-Xian Mai. Semi-volatile organic compounds in fine particulate matter on a tropical island in the South China Sea. J. Hazard. Mater., 2022, 426, 128071.

[17]  Yuan Zeng, She-Jun Chen*, Yao-Hui Liang, Chun-You Zhu, Zheng Liu, Yu-Feng Guan, Hui-Min Ma, Bi-Xian Mai. Traditional and novel organophosphate esters (OPEs) in PM2.5 of a megacity, southern China: Spatioseasonal variations, sources, and influencing factors. Environ. Pollut. 284, 2021, 117208.

[18]  Yuan Zeng, She-Jun Chen*, Yun Fan, Qi-Qi Li, Yu-Feng Guan. Bi-Xian Mai. Effects of carbonaceous materials and particle size on oral and inhalation bioaccessibility of PAHs and OPEs in airborne particles. 2021, 28, 62133–62141.

[19]  Tao Wang, Joaquim Rovira*, Jordi Sierra, Jordi Blanco, She-Jun Chen*, Bi- Xian Mai, Marta Schuhmacher, José L. Domingo. Characterization of airborne particles and cytotoxicity to a human lung cancer cell line in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Research, 2021, 196, 110953.

[20]  Qi-Qi Li, Tao Wang, Yuan Zeng, Yun Fan, She-Jun Chen * Bi-Xian Mai. Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in PM2.5 associated with various source sectors in southern China. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2021, 23, 179.

[21]  Yun Fan, She-Jun Chen*, Qi-Qi Li, Yuan Zeng, Xiao Yan, Bi-Xian Mai. Uptake of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) into peanut and corn during the whole life cycle grown in an agricultural field. Environ. Pollution, 263, 2020, 114400.

[22]  Yuan Zeng, Nan Ding, Ting Wang, Mi Tian, Yun Fan, Tao Wang, She-Jun Chen*, Bi-Xian Mai. Organophosphate esters (OPEs) in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in urban, e-waste, and background regions of South China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 385, 2020, 1215835.

[23]  Tao Wang, Joaquim Rovira*, Jordi Sierra, She-Jun Chen*, Bi-Xian Mai, Marta Schuhmacher, José L.Domingo. Characterization and risk assessment of total suspended particles (TSP) and fine particles (PM2.5) in a rural transformational e-waste recycling region of Southern China. Sci. Total Environ., 692, 20 November 2019, 432-440

[24]  Yuan Zeng, Yun Fan, Xiao Yan, Jing Zheng, She-Jun Chen*, Bi-Xian Mai, In vitro oral and inhalation bioaccessibility of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in airborne particles and influence of relevant parameters. Environ. Res. 2019, 170, 134-140.

[25]  Ling Mo, Jing Zheng, Ting Wang, Yun-Gang Shi, Biao-Juan Chen, Bin Liu, Yan-Hua Ma, Min Li, Li Zhuo, She-Jun Chen*, Legacy and emerging contaminants in coastal surface sediments around Hainan Island in South China. Chemosphere 2019, 215, 133-141.

[26]  Tao Wang, Nan Ding, Ting Wang, She-Jun Chen, Xiao-Jun Luo, Bi-Xian Mai*, Organophosphorus esters (OPEs) in PM2.5 in urban and e-waste recycling regions in southern China: concentrations, sources, and emissions. Environ. Res. 2018, 167 437-444.

[27]  Nan Ding, She-Jun Chen*, Tao Wang, Ting Wang, Bi-Xian Mai, Halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) and water-soluble ions (WSIs) in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in three regions of South China. Environ. Pollut. 2018, 238, 823-832.

[28]  Ting Wang, Mi Tian, Nan Ding, Xiao Yan, She-Jun Chen*, Yang-Zhi Mo, Wei-Qiang Yang, Xin-Hui Bi, Xin-Ming Wang, Bi-Xian Mai, Semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during clear, fog, and haze episodes in winter in Beijing, China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, (9), 5199-5207.

[29]  Chun-Tao He, Xiao Yan, Mei-Huan Wang, Xiao-Bo Zheng, Ke-Hui Chen, Mi-Na Guo, Jing Zheng, She-Jun Chen*, Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs) in human hair and serum in rural and urban areas in South China, Environ. Res. 2017, 155:279-286.

[30]  Jing Zheng, Chun-Tao He, She-Jun Chen*, Xiao Yan, Mi-Na Guo, Mei-Huan Wang, Yun-Jiang Yu, Zhong-Yi Yang, Bi-Xian Mai, Disruption of thyroid hormone (TH) levels and TH-regulated gene expression by polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and hydroxylated PCBs in e-waste recycling workers. Environ. Intern. 2017, 102:138-144.

[31]  Xie JL#, Pei NC#, Sun YX*, Chen ZY, Cheng YY, Chen LG, Xie CM, Dai SH, Zhu CY, Luo XJ, Zhang L*, Mai BX. Organophosphate esters in a Mangrove Nature Reserve from the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 427, 127909.

[32]  Xie JL, Sun YX*, Cheng YY, Chen YS, Chen LG, Xie CM, Dai SH, Luo XJ, Zhang L*, Mai BX. Halogenated flame retardants in surface sediments from fourteen estuaries, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 164, 112099.

[33]  Li HW, Zhang ZW, Sun YX*, Wang WW, Xie JL, Xie CM, Hu YX, Xu XR, Gao YL, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecanes in sediments and biota from two typical mangrove wetlands of South China: Distribution, bioaccumulation and biomagnifications. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 750, 141695.

[34]  Sun YX, De Silva A, St. Pierre KA, Muir D, Spencer C, Lehnherr I, MacInnis JJ. Glacial melt inputs of organophosphate ester flame retardants to the largest high Arctic lake. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(5), 2734-2743.

[35]  Zuo LZ, Sun YX*, Li HX, Hu YX, Lin L, Peng JP, Xu XR*. Microplastics in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Correlation with halogenated flame retardants’ levels. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 725, 138344.

[36]  Hu YX, Sun YX*, Pei NC, Zhang ZW, Li HW, Wang WW, Xie JL, Xu XR, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and alternative halogenated flame retardants in mangrove plants from Futian National Nature Reserve of Shenzhen City, South China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260, 114087.

[37]  Zhu CY, Sun YX*, Li DN, Zheng XB*, Peng XZ, Zhu T, Mo L, Luo XJ, Xu XR, Mai BX. Evidence for complex sources of persistent halogenated compounds in birds from the South China Sea. Environmental Research, 2020, 185, 109462.

[38]  Mo L, Zheng XB*, Zhu CY, Sun YX*, Yu LH, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in oriental magpie-robins from e-waste, urban, and rural sites: site-specific biomagnification of POPs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 186, 109758.

[39]  Zhu CY, Li DN, Sun YX*, Zheng XB, Peng XZ*, Zheng K, Hu BB, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Plastic debris in marine birds from an island located in the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 149, 110566.

[40]  Li HW, Hu YX, Sun YX*, De Silva A, Muir D, Wang WW, Xie JL, Xu XR, Pei NC, Xiong YM, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Bioaccumulation and translocation of tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecane in mangrove plants from a national nature reserve of Shenzhen City, South China. Environment International, 2019, 129, 239-246.

[41]  Hu YX, Pei NC, Sun YX*, Xu XR, Zhang ZW, Li HW, Wang WW, Zuo LZ, Xiong YM, Zeng YH, He KH, Mai BX. Halogenated flame retardants in mangrove sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Comparison with historical data and correlation with microbial community. Chemosphere, 2019, 227: 315-322.

[42]  Zhang ZW, Pei NC, Sun YX*, Li JL, Li XP, Yu S, Xu XR*, Hu YX, Mai BX. Halogenated organic pollutants in sediments and organisms from mangrove wetlands of the Jiulong River Estuary, South China. Environmental Research, 2019, 171:145-152.

[43]  Mo L, Zheng XB*, Sun YX*, Yu LH, Luo XJ, Xu XR, Qin XQ, Gao YL, Mai BX. Selection of passerine birds as bio-sentinel of persistent organic pollutants in terrestrial environment. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 633: 1237-1244.

[44]  Hu YX, Sun YX*, Li X, Xu WH, Zhang Y, Luo XJ, Dai SH, Xu XR*, Mai BX. Organophosphorus flame retardants in mangrove sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Chemosphere, 2017, 181:433-439.

[45]  Sun YX, Hu YX, Zhang ZW, Xu XR, Li HX, Zuo LZ, Zhong Y, Sun H, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Halogenated organic pollutants in marine biota from the Xuande Atoll, South China Sea: Levels, biomagnification and dietary exposure. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 118(1-2): 413-419.



[1]     孙毓鑫,李华薇,胡咏霞,汪伟薇,徐向荣,一种测定植物中六溴十二烷异构体的方法. 专利号:ZL 201810631980.3

[2]     谢金丽,孙毓鑫 谢晨敏,张黎,一种测定植物中有机磷系阻燃剂的方法. 申请号:ZL 202011201167.6



[1]     广东省自然科学一等奖,《新型卤代持久性有机污染物的环境地球化学行为与暴露风险》,广东省科技厅,陈社军(排名4),2019



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